My first question is - who did the evaluation and testing? If it was school, have you considered having a private evaluation? We've found that private evalutaions are really key both to understanding how to best help our 2e kids, but also can be very helpful in making a plan for best placement and fit at school. An advocate can help with figuring out how to get the services and placements you need in your local school district.

Originally Posted by lsearch
their idea of helping with the written disorder is to give them very low-level writing work, while at home he's reading epigenetics, and other above grade level.

FWIW, my EG ds13 has disorder of written expression, and that is exactly how we've dealt with his writing challenges - he really *did* need to start at square one, and for years he was working specifically on writing exercises that were way below grade level, even though he was reading and comprehending light-years above grade level. And the good news is - it *worked*! Sooo... fwiw, while the specific classroom your ds is in doesn't sound like an overall appropriate placement, I wouldn't discount the value in working on low-level writing if that's what he needs at this point in time.

Best wishes,
