It's not called a GIEP here, it's an IEP and an ALP for us with DS who is 2e/Asperger's. Actually, we dropped the IEP this year because of all the progress he's made, but we can get it back in the future if puberty regresses him.

Our meetings include the principal, counselors (two), school psychologist (sometimes two), speech/language pathologist who does his social skills training, and most of the teachers who work with DS, not counting things like PE and Music and such. This year it's his 5th grade teacher, his 7th grade math teacher who is also the GT coordinator for the MS, and all the others mentioned. His MS LA teacher and Social Studies teacher have not come to the meetings. Oh, and the MS counselor is there this year as well, preparing for next year when it will be her team instead of the elementary's.

If you want the GT person there, I would definitely ask for her.