So we have our first IEP team meeting on Friday.
DS's evaluation scores are consisted with him being 2E. He is diagnosed as high functioning Aspergers (barely on the scale) and ADD.
At our last meeting at the school we went over the results as a team. School Psychologist told us they the administer a different test for test for giftedness, I assume is the WISC. DS had the Woodcock Johnston III, both the Cognitive and achievement. DH and I expressed a interest in getting DS evaluated either through the school or privately.
The school pycholosist insisted that this would not be necessary, DS scores from the Woodcock Johnson clearly puts DS in the the 2e category. In our district there are only 2 kids on GIEPs. Both of these kids came into the district on GIEPs there are no GEIP initiated or created by the district.
This was fine with us as so long as this is addressed by his IEP. We got the consent forms for the IEP team meeting today, and the team consists of us, the principal, DS's teacher, the OT and the Austism specialist teacher. Disappointingly does not currently include the gifted/enrichment teacher. We just want to be sure that we are address DS's whole picture, and playing to his strengths. Should we ask the school to include her? looking for opinions!