Originally Posted by squirt
Originally Posted by Isa
She is even sleeping the whole night now! (shhh, fingers crossed).

Mine is up all hours of the night. Would you consider that a symptom of school problems?

Someone in this board said that their pediatrician (sp?) told them to give their kid more intellectual challenge to make him (or her?) sleep better. So I tried with DD... and it seems to work!
Sorry I do not remember who said it, but thanks for sharing it smile

About the international school: it all depends if the GT school opens or not next year. If it opens, it does not make any sense to put DD for the rest of the year in an English speaking school, to go back in September to a Dutch one. As well, the international school has some admision procedure that takes some time, so by the time DD would be admited, the academic year would be finished.

The testing date has been rescheduled to the 6 of June. Then we will know more and with the more up-to-date test results we will go to the Principal or our school and of the International one (unless of course the GT school will open).

Right now, in these holidays (until 12 May) I am trying to 'hot-house' her so that her love for learning returns and to see if she becomes more willing to try new things.

Would you believe that she told me that 'counting more than 20 was tooo difficult' the same day that she did her first 9x9 sudoku? A very easy one and she needed guidance, but she did it...