Originally Posted by Isa
She is even sleeping the whole night now! (shhh, fingers crossed).

Mine is up all hours of the night. Would you consider that a symptom of school problems?

The only reason I am leaving mine in for the rest of the year (1st grade) is that they have a field trip next week, an "olympics game" day later in the month, and an end of school party. I'd hate for him to have had to put up with the miserable part and miss the fun bits. However, I'll be pretty loose with absences as well, we're taking him out two days next week to on on a trip. Only 21 more school days (19 if you don't count the two he's out! oh, and 18 because he is off Memorial Day; I might just make it after all!)!

Okay, back to topic:
Our international school is extremely expensive and is really a French school - educating French kids who are going back to France.