DD is 4.5 yrs old now. Next year she would be with the same teacher, but obviously we are not going to let this happen.

The best option would be the GT school, but it is not clear yet that there will be one next year.

Another option would be the same school as now, but in the next group (ages 6 to 9). We have not yet talk to the Principal about this since we think it is better to wait for the test results (which will be done in June at the end).

And another option would be an international school - English speaking. It is not GT school but has an excellent curriculum and some provisions for GT kids.

In the meantime, we are having holidays now and DD is coming back to ther eagerness to learn smile
She is even sleeping the whole night now! (shhh, fingers crossed).

I think after the holidays I am going to be VERY liberal with sick days or extra holidays. And our summer holidays will start beginning of July (end of the school is end of July).
The only reason I do not take her completely out of the school is in case the best option is the same school next year. If I take her out now I do not think they will accept acceleration.