I fully applaud an unwillingness to jump through other people's hoops. People jumping through hoops do not change the world, but they sure can serve up a fast burrito for lunch. If she can learn to consistently find her own motivation in ways that align with reasonable and fair grading standards, then I think the best outcomes are down that path.

Science projects are formalized arguments in answer to a question, if the topic selection was over-constrained then I'd fault the instructor. Arguments are about evidence and accurate communication of factors. If that sort of framing can't get her head into it, dunno.

I tossed away any care for grades probably the first time I had a grade lowered because a teacher didn't like my handwriting fortyish years ago.

How to dig to find the interesting part that engages me, despite someone else's handwaving is the important survival skill to me. But in all situations, there is always something I don't know even if thrice removed it is usually enough to get traction.