Wow....the in-school punishment seems really off-the-mark to me (I suppose, just perhaps, it could be mildly appropriate if the teacher has many, many times asked him not to do that and provided other things to do--then the discipline would be for defiance???). Anyway, that should stop, of course! But also because there really should be an alternative for him to do something else (and it doesn't even have to be math...he could do reading, whatever) when he completes the classwork. Although it sounds like he should do math since he loves it. Personally, I would advocate for non-curricular enrichment math. It's more stimulating and interesting and thought-provoking than just moving ahead int he math curriculum, so I think it's better. Additionally, in my experience, for my own kids, the further they go ahead in basic curriculum, the more redundant and boring it will be when the class does it together. If you can keep him occupied with non-curricular stuff, then at least he'll have a MOMENT of learning when they teach new concepts in school (I completely hear you on the pace and repetition being off-kilter for your child). Good luck!!!