Originally Posted by HappilyMom
New school K is like his old school was in JrK which worked. Next year at new school is more like K at the old school which was a nightmare.

What was nightmarish about it? If you expect that the same behaviors will recur, I would probably choose to be proactive about this now.

Originally Posted by HappilyMom
We are starting to get the "awful parents" label when he has tough days being still or quiet or becomes defiant when we correct behavior.

And people are probably thinking your child is misbehaving, when he's really doing his best. You definitely don't want that: it can poison the relationships with teachers, etc. if they think your kid is just a bad apple. Better that they understand what's going on.

In those situations at church or in public, we share, more or less depending. If someone is going to be in charge of our DS who has AS, they need enough information to keep him safe, which includes "he has Asperger's, so sometimes he gets more upset than the situation warrants" and "when he's upset, this is what works to help him calm down." If they're in charge of a kid who doesn't sit still, they should know about the ADD as well as anything you can tell them to help them work with him successfully.

For people who are casually judgmental and there will be little or no further interaction, no sharing is needed. But I have been known to quietly say "sorry, he's a little autistic" by way of increasing understanding-- just so they know the score.

Originally Posted by HappilyMom
Right now we have a really supportive and helpful teacher and principal. Next year is an unknown for the teacher though the principal is working on hiring and says she is considering my son and a few other gifted K students in choosing this new teacher.

Being frank with the principal now may help settle your DS with the best teacher for next year.

Originally Posted by HappilyMom
The principal has shared that she has ADD. I haven't clarified policy on grade acceleration. Subject acceleration is only within the same classroom and teacher providing alternate or extended activities.

I wouldn't fight for grade acceleration until the writing skills to keep up are in place. Polarbear has great advice about this above.

Originally Posted by HappilyMom
I meet with the Psychologist next week but the Social Worker whom my son worked with on his anxiety is employed as a school social worker in my district so I am considering scheduling with her to discuss her recommendations about what, when, and how to share.

Also an excellent idea. Because you have an in with the school district's social worker, that may help get the right things in place before your DS needs them. The more you write, the more I think sharing would be better done sooner rather than later.

Once you get them started on their eval, it can take some months, so you wouldn't have a plan until perhaps May even if you start now. If you're anticipating problems in August/September, it could be good to at least have the ball rolling...
