So I am excited about finally getting to some answers for the many issues with which we have been coping. AND I feel concerned about with whom and how it is appropriate to share his information. I want him supported as he needs but don't want to invite all the misunderstandings others have (particularly on the ADHD side of things) into our lives without need. How do/did you manage with whom and how to share about your 2e children?? When/how did you share with school? Did you tell babysitters/ extra curricular teachers you see regularly? People at church? Any others? Part of my concern is I hope to have him greatly improving in the next few months if our treatment is effective. Who needs to know and what was your criteria?

I have read often here but would appreciate any advice or guidance those of you with experience have to offer me. I am meeting with our local Psychologist next week to discuss our results and talk about how to proceed ruling in or out dysgraphia diffinitively. My mind is sort of racing with seeing it all in print and knowing we have accurate information. It all just really fits... finally.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 04/26/13 12:28 PM.