I think I need to stay away from my relatives right now. Even my dad said something that I did not need to hear right now. He said the fact that my son has pain after standing for more than 15 minutes will make it hard for him to find a job which sends my worries in a whole new direction when I need to focus on getting through the diagnosis issues and the surgery. I have not talked to anyone else in my family about it. I did tell my dad that he could tell my sister who wanted to diagnose my son with Aspergers because he read at 2 and used to join in with family discussions about the latest things happening in the news because he was homeschooled and learned everything he could online about what was happening, so he knew when she said something that was not correct. He wasn't rude about pointing it out to her, he would just say he had read something different and he thought something different instead of just going along with what she said. I taught him to question things and that it was fine to talk about the news with the family, especially if he had something interesting to add. His ability to talk about these things was better than mine so I didn't think anything was wrong with him talking, especially when he couldn't talk to kids his age about these things, but people here think it is weird if your kid talks like an adult. My son has seen a lot of doctors and not one thought he had Aspergers. I know this had to bother my son, even though he said it didn't. He stopped talking around family because of the way they are. My husband always told him to not worry about what other think.