. She almost never makes errors in calculations etc but she will sometimes miss an entire problem (ie, not do it) simply because she's speeding along and doesn't notice it, or she'll write down the opposite of what the question asked because she's reading fast, that kind of thing.

Yeah, we have this too. She leaves problems blank by accident. Although maybe that's normal 8yo?

While it may be true that "error-free" is within the grasp of someone who has a fast processing speed (because they can afford do the assigned task two or even four times over?) that kind of encourages an unhealthy set of OCD-like behaviors, first of all. How many times SHOULD one check over that written paragraph for grammatical errors? How many times is enough reworking of that physics problem?

A good reminder. I'm working on this when looking over DD's work packets. This time she brought home a ton of 43/45, 10/11, 18/20, etc. In almost all cases, the points off were careless errors...but you know, just one or two. I know she could get 100% on almost all of it, but I congratulated her on a good packet of work." More importantly, there was no "I tanked this because I panicked/didn't read directions" work.