Thanks so much all - this has been interesting. Someone mentioned that she must have good fine motor skills since she is writing so much - but that is not the case at all... her letters are big and small and oddly spaced - really - not great... not even good - very average...and don't get me started on the spelling - but she will finish any writing assignment in 2 seconds flat - she is certainly not a perfectionist. I asked her how often it happens that she is finished with her work with nothing to do and she said that she is always finished way ahead of the other kids. She reads the books in her book box and when she is finished, she reads them again..and again. She has had no behavioral problems, and does not complain of the b-word. I always thought she was ADHD... but after being in her kindy for the morning and looking at some of the 5 year old boys, she seems pretty darn typical.