Thanks to everyone for the responses....his SPD is pretty severe...he has about 5 things he eats total, he can not tolerate most noises (he has to sleep with a sound machine on because the air conditioner or our neighbors air conditioner coming out would wake him up 5-6 times a night) he hears things no one else can, any kind of strong smell makes him gag, his sense of touch is underresponsive so he can bang into things and hurt himself and never even know he did it, his spatial awareness is really bad, he can not tolerate fluroescent lights because they hurt his eyes, he can barely tolerate going to the grocery store with me even with a full arsenal of sensory activities...the list goes on....but he has made night and day growth in the past year so we will just keep plugging away.

We mainly looked at doing the testing to give us a heads up to his strengths and weaknesses and his Montessori teacher really wanted an idea as to how high he was - his OT and Speech teacher that come into his Montessori (he has an IEP) have stated that they were concerned that he might be a visual-spatial learner (which has a whole load of issues that go with it unless you know how to reach these children) and they were concerned about keeping him enriched. We visited every single Charter/Magnet/private school in our area and none of them would be the best fit for him and everyone agreed 100% at his last IEP meeting last week that being in a public K class would be awful for him unless we had some kind of paperwork to help back us up for services where perhaps he could go into a TK-1 classroom or into a first grade classroom at least for math time or reading time. So, we decided to stay at his Montessori Preschool and he will be the only K student there next year and he will be big man of the classroom. His teacher has really done and outstanding job with him and he has been there for 3.5 years and he is very comfortable with everyone and the facility. His teacher is already through their entire K curriculum that she is used to doing with kids and he isn't supposed to start K til the fall so she is digging deep to try to pull in lots of the elementary level montessori activities to keep him enriched. If he had the 130 mark he would be eligible to go once a week across the street to the public school for a half day gifted class where he could interact with other kids like himself. The sad thing is that all we need is for one elementary teacher or one school psychologist to come spend the whole day shadowing him and they would be able to see just how amazing of a little boy he is. We are looking at trying to just hire a really good math tutor who is more creative in their teaching instead of just workbook work to try to help build his love of all things math. After next year we will re-examine everything again. It is just so frustrating to hear two psychologists now tell me that they believe my son is very gifted but that his SPD is masking his seems so unfair because what do you do with a child whose brain is really amazing but their sensory system has issues!!! Thanks to everyone for allowing me a place to vent