Hello to everyone - was looking for some advice..my 5 year old son (who has sensory disorder)went in earlier in the week to do the Weschler preschool test and did about 1 hour and 25 minutes of testing and then we were to go back today to finish it up...I just got a call from the psychologist who said that she wanted to let us know that he had done enough subtests for her to be able to come up with an accurate IQ score and to be able to share the info about his strengths and weaknesses and that we didn't need to complete the rest of the assessment subtests. Should I be concerned about this? Should we go and complete all of the test to get a really accurate picture or can you get an accurate score/look by only completing so many subtests? My son does have an issue with going to new locations/settings because of his SPD but he really said he liked doing the "brain games". Would love to hear opinions???