Originally Posted by uppervalley
But that said, if you think the answer depends on one of those dimensions, I'd be eager to hear how it depends.

Here's my opinion: you're asking a simple question but the problem is complex. With a HG+ child, everything depends. There are no simple answers. There is no part of the country where gifted education is "best" because the problem is too complex.

Did you notice how different every reply here is? Each approach works as much as it can for individual kids, and they're all very different: homeschool, gifted public, online school. Dig around the forum and you'll find umpteen other options (very small private, high-profile prep school, bilingual school, unschooling, etc. etc.).

It wouldn't surprise me if many or most of the people here got to where they are after a lot of difficult decisions. This certainly describes our situation. Plus, we currently have different school options for our different kids. Their needs change with time. What HowlerKarma mentioned about schools only working for a while is very common for HG+ kids. Perfect School may only be perfect for 2 or 3 years. That's just how it is.

So maybe you're just doing a survey to get ideas, which is great. But I'm concerned that the way you're asking the question isn't going to get you any information that will be meaningful/helpful to your situation. But it might look that way, and that could put you (really, your child) in a bad place later.

Last edited by Val; 12/11/12 01:34 PM.