Thanks for the post; I've been wondering the same thing myself. We live in the Research Triangle NC area and I have heard good things about the Chapel Hill public schools but at least some of the gifted program seems to keep changing so that it has moved over time to different schools and also there seems to be a waiting period so if you move into the district your kid can't be in the gifted program until the following year. There's probably more to it than that, but that's what I found online awhile ago so we did not look further into moving to Chapel Hill. Wake County public schools have gifted differentiation starting in third grade, but we have also heard not good things about some of the elementary/middle schools and plus the school assignment plans have been in constant chaos for the last three years or so, with no end in sight. We've cobbled together stuff for our kid at private schools, with variable results, but I can't say I would recommend this area for gifted education. Maybe late middle school/ high school will be different. Also I would say we have met hardly any kids who are different in terms of having slightly unusual behavior and/or senses of humor, and that has been difficult. Plus the teachers have been all over the map in terms of supporting DD; fortunately we're in a good place now but last year was just awful. Good luck finding a place; I would love to hear about it if you do!