Well, I would NOT live in the Pacific Northwest. There is very little here in support of HG/HG+ kids.

Uh... other than lip service. Plenty of that.

We've considered Reno, the Research Triangle, and a few places in the Northeast-- our research (such as it's been) indicates that there is genuine support in those places, though it may be highly localized.

Mostly, though, I'd reiterate Val's statement-- there probably isn't any ONE right place for every HG child. Add on top of things the bitter fact that even an "outstanding" situation is all-too frequently just a single administrative change from "revolting and damaging" and I'm not sure that there is a way to do what you've proposed. Not really, anyway.

I'm not sure that a ten year plan CAN be done. Maybe a two or three year one, yes, but only if you're super-flexible and have plans A, B, and C in place at a given location.

There is no way that I could have predicted my daughter's needs at twelve with any degree of accuracy when she was five. If we'd based decisions on that, we'd have locked ourselves into a situation that would not have fit for very long, which is why I suggest, with all due respect, that not looking TOO far ahead is probably a wiser strategy long term.

The best we've ever managed is a fit that was ideal for six months, good for at most another twelve months, tolerable for another six to eight months, and increasingly miserable moving out to thirty-six months from the placement decision. We are currently riding the middle stretch and hoping like mad that our 13yo won't enter "miserable" before June 2014 when she is supposed to graduate from high school. Please note-- the SITUATION isn't what's changing here; my child is just gradually outstripping what accommodations have been made for her.

We ride one train until we run out of track, and then we find a new train and make a plan to get on it. I'm willing to concede that there may be places like Davidson that could really be "good" for the long haul, but it hasn't been our reality.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.