Oh! I just thought of something else that I used to do for DS8 last year...

I'd use handwritingworksheets.com (print style, paragraph, size 1, portrait) and I'd compose the paragraph and simply have him trace it. His TA at that time was getting him to trace individual letters and it was making him crazy, so instead I wrote paragraphs that were relevant to him, like about our pets, his hobbies, etc.

My goal was to try and enhance the path that goes from the ideas and events in his brain to his language output centre and finally to his hands. He wouldn't have the stress of composing the language himself but he was still getting exposure to translating ideas and concepts into written language. I explained this to his grade 2 teacher and she thought it was a fabulous idea. (I approached it from a proactive "I'll solve it myself" standpoint rather than saying "the letters you're getting my kid to trace are making him stir crazy - he needs above grade level content, not below.")

On an unrelated side note, sometimes the diagnosis of ADHD is a blessing because rather than hounding the gifted issue (which makes some teachers roll their eyes), I can approach it like: "it's that darn ADHD - we need to challenge him to keep him focused" ...and voila, they're all happy and supportive. lol.