Originally Posted by momosam
They've given him noise-cancelling headphones, which aren't helping. I don't think any sort of assistive technology has been introduced.

My DS8 uses these and finds them helpful (ADHD, language disorder, partial APD, possibly HFA).

He spends time once a week with a SLP at school and they work on things like story sequencing. The goals for these sessions include increasing his expressive vocab, describing, sequencing, summarizing, predicting, creating, comprehending, etc etc. The SLP we have is new this year and she's going to create a "homework" book for him (which I haven't seen yet, but she has a ton of kids on her roster and is very busy).

His diagnoses include language processing, which affects written output (O.M.G... does it ever). He has no formal "written output" dx but he shouldn, imho.

FYI - I make up stuff for him to do as well. I have him look up words in the dictionary and then write a definition in his own words, for example. This gets him a) reading, b) printing, c) comprehending the meaning of the word, and d) using expressive written output to communicate the meaning.

It's quite amazing what he can do. The key is LOTS of breaks. Because he's compensating against his disabilities, he gets tired often. It's as if... he summons up all the will and strength he can, and then blasts right through whatever brick wall is in front of him... then he needs recovery time.

As for his spelling... eesh. Not good. Slowly getting better though.

Last edited by CCN; 12/07/12 12:55 PM.