Thank you all so much!! This input was very helpful.

Historically, he's needed sleep in the 10 hour range. He's a very active kid so generally between sports practices and playing outside afterschool, he would get a good deal of it. But upon thinking, we are in between sports seasons and have had some "bad" (well for southern Cal) weather so fewer opportunities to be outside.

It's funny, I'd read the recommendations that kids limit screen time to avoid sleep issues so, since kindergarten, he hasn't watched TV during the school week and really very little on the weekends. He gets only a half hour or so on the computer for school stuff. But that would have been a good place to start for other kids.

I am trying to see if his behavior is any different but it's hard because he is such an emotional, sensitive, prone-to-quick-melt-downs, and blood-sugar-stability-dependent kid anyway. smile KWIM?

lJoy-Yes! DS is one of those in the 15% in weight boys who needs to eat about every 1-2 hours or he is a quivering mass. He needs to have a snack before bedtime and I suspect that gives him an extra boost of energy rather than having a sleep-inducing effect, but that has been in place for years. I feel your pain on that one, though.

Howler-yes, I am definitely worried he has some anxiety that he is trying to handle, especially given he has been biting his nails again.

I think you are all right on the money. I will keep a close eye on it and see how things go in short term while still encouraging him to go to sleep when I tell him to.

I totally relate to his not wanting to put the book down. I hate starting new books during the work week, because I have to stay up until it's done and going to work on 2 hours sleep is not pretty.