My apologies to the OP - I don't want to derail this thread.

She has diabetes. Three hours after her last meal of the day, she had to check her blood sugar and respond to it by eating a large snack, a small snack, nothing, or taking more insulin. Of course she just loved having the size of her dessert dictated by a number on a screen... Now she has an insulin pump, so she just always has the snack and gets a variable amount of insulin for it. But she still can't go to bed at 7:30 unless we eat dinner at 4:30, which isn't happening. The timing is dictated by the active time of the insulin.

To tell the truth, we could find another solution if she wanted to sleep earlier, but she doesn't. Of the many things we would have to demand of her, I guess it just fell off the bottom of the list. She does her best homework at that time of the day. I just wish she wasn't always tired in the mornings.