Somewhat, yes. Most people follow paths of reasoning that I don't, easily. I feel like I'm always reverse-engineering their statements to figure out what they meant. I spent years learning to slow down my associations so I could participate in conversations. People kept saying what I said was a non sequitur. It wasn't, exactly. You just had to follow my thoughts through three or four jumps before I found something interesting enough to share.

I'm always sticking my foot in my mouth. I just wish people would speak plainly, say what they mean, so I can move on without trying to figure out how much of that friendliness was actually meant and how much was social nicety.

My brother, who probably has (is?) Asperger's, would probably agree much more strongly. I have taken to describing him as a space alien to my friends: he has a wonderful heart and the most sincere desire to be social, but has zero or even negative instincts on how people behave, what facial expressions mean and imply, etc.

Is one of these what you meant? Either way, it seems unlikely that you are alone!