Originally Posted by Cym
The gifted dept here also touts that intelligence is from moms for sons and from dads for daughters, though I've never seen a source for that either.

What an appealingly symmetrical notion! In my family, both my parents are gifted (probably HG) but in different ways/domains. My mom is an artist and very verbal, very visual, she has a "perfect" colorsense the way some people have perfect pitch. She claims to have some kind of math disability that makes her unable to understand algebra. My dad is a physicist, a man of few words and sarcastic wit. He's the guy who would say things to us kids like, "Don't put lateral thrust on the coffee table!"

The result: 1 math gifted daughter (who can't fathom not understanding algebra), 1 artistic, verbal, athletic son with sarcastic wit, 1 PG son with multiple gifts--music, math, science, and more.

Last edited by Cathy A; 04/21/08 10:42 AM.