My son did not get his intelligence from me. He is too much like his dad. For instance, I once complained to my husband that our son wouldn't do a certain math problem the way I showed him how to do it--the way I was taught and the only way I thought there was to do it--only to discover that my husband does it the same way, and he was good enough in math in middle school that he was one of the youngest to be selected to compete in math competitions. I think this must be hereditary but my son didn't inherit it from me. My husband and son have the same kind of sense of humor and everything. My husband says our son is also very similar to his adult highly gifted son from a previous marriage. My husband's side of the family had college professors and lawyers and these people just love verbal sparring via email if they can't get together in person. There are gifted people in my family, a few engineers and an artist and I think my mother was probably gifted, but my son seems almost like of a clone of his dad in everything except physically. My son has a motor coordination disorder that nobody else in the family has.

My son is not at all like his half-sister. She is very pretty and creative and very into fashion and beauty and physical fitness. She used to be a cheerleader and she had no trouble learning dances. When I first heard of the show "Beauty and the Geek" my first thought was those are my children. My son wants to do this verbal sparring thing with his sister and says it is his right as her little brother to tease her and even though she is a bright adult she loses to him in these verbal sparring matches every time and this sometimes bothers her.