Originally Posted by fwtxmom
smacca, I think my DS and yours were separated at birth (and by 7 years.)

Yeah, it makes me sad when he gets SO upset about little things (example: last night I gently reminded him not to run over his little brother with the Cozy Coupe, and he put on his super-angry face and yelled, "I'M MAD AT YOU, MAMA!").

I just foresee a hard road for him... mostly because it was a hard road for me. I won't let him slip through the cracks academically like my parents did (no blame... my mom heard a few bad things about one teacher in the gifted program and wouldn't get my sister or me tested; they genuinely thought they were doing what was best), but I have no clue how to support him socially/emotionally because, well, I have no clue what I'd have done with me as a kid. I sort of bumbled through and figured out how to mostly cope. I want to do better by DS4, but... I have not a clue where to start.