smacca, I think my DS and yours were separated at birth (and by 7 years.) DS is exactly as you describe: ADHD, sensitive, prone to tantrums (still), socially clueless, loves cars and toy guns, etc. etc.

After he "failed" K I expected our school to retain him. With a February birthday and rampant red-shirting he would not have been way outside the normal birthday range for the next year K class. When I suggested this to his K teacher at the spring conference she looked at me like I was crazy. "He's WAAAYY too smart to repeat kindergarten!"

Fast forward to 6th grade: DS has started back to counseling for basically being a social outcast and continual maladaptive struggles with keeping up with homework. DS is maturing bit by bit but just much behind his peers at school.

I often wonder what would have happened if he had just repeated K but he was simply too bright to be considered for that.