Oh, one more note to self...

adolescent PG kids who have never really had much exposure to other PG people may be tempted to tolerate pretty unhealthy relationship dynamics--

from OTHER PG people when they finally do meet one who is remotely compatible with themselves. The danger is fairly real since HG+ kids in undifferentiated environments can all too often become pretty damaged as people by the time they reach their teens. Being so smart also makes them incredibly destructive, manipulative, and clever... including with one another... and they also have "I'm the smartest person I know" as such a core part of their identity that they have a need to 'kill' threats to it.


So yeah, meeting other HG+ kids? More important than you're thinking (speaking to the parent that I was when DD was four and I was just putting together exactly what we were dealing with).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.