6 yo dd is in 1st grade. She is currently in a regular classroom, and the GT program starts next year in 2nd.

A few days ago dh was volunteering in class and said that when the teacher asked the kids to raise their hands if they knew the answer to her question. Everybody but dd raised their hands. Teacher asked dd if she knew the answer, dd says yes, and gives the answer. But she still doesn't seem to raise her hand in class, even in situations like this. At carpet time dd sits in the very back on the end and daydreams. She has flat out told me that she daydreams in school b/c she is bored. She has also told me that the teacher takes too long to explain things.

Today I had a meeting with her teacher. The teacher also wanted me to bring the psych's test results and report so she could fill out the teacher recommendation for the GT application.

The teacher tells me that dd isn't doing as well in math as she would expect. That she has to sometimes help dd in math to comprehend a concept. Something as simple as hopping on a number line. I'm really baffled by this. Especially when she tells me they just had an assessment on telling time with half-past and that dd missed 2 out of 4. Yet, the night before the assessment dd did her math homework about this concept 100% independently and got it completely right. This isn't the first time where dd has shown contradictory performance. Dd will do her homework the night before with absolutely no help, get it all right, and then the teacher will tell me that she needs reinforcement with the skill.

I'm truly baffled and frustrated by this. Especially my 3rd grade dd will ask my 6 yo dd for the answers to her 3rd grade math homework.

I know the psych said that when she watched dd during the WISC testing dd would answer impulsively, and that she performed better when the psych didn't let dd know she was being watched. This is in the report. Dd is very quiet in class, doesn't talk, won't communicate with the teacher, won't speak up unless she has too. She is very reserved in class and the teacher even said "She's a tough cookie to crack".

We are both brainstorming and trying to come up with ideas as to why dd is underperforming. My thoughts were possibly that she is anxious and answering impulsively, perhaps she is daydreaming and then when called on she misses the answer b/c she wasn't paying attention, or perhaps she is dumbing down. I'm also worried if the teacher isn't going to give a good recommendation for dd for the GT class.

Fwiw the teacher doesn't see/grade the homework, her assistant does that.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 10/26/12 07:16 PM.