Thanks for bringing this up and sharing your opinions with CTY. I heartily agree. We just started using CTY this past summer. My daughter is taking an EPGY math class through them. It is disappointing to pay so much more for EPGY than we would if we just used it solo. (We are doing it pretty much just for the transcript, since we homeschool and might need it someday for high school applications.) I am not unhappy with EPGY, but CTY adds essentially nothing to the experience.

It's good to hear you have really been happy with some of the courses. I think we will homeschool through middle school if not possibly beyond, and I see on-line course providers such as CTY as being an important part of our curriculum in the future. I would be very disappointed indeed if they only or mostly offered boxed programs, especially if those were not specifically designed for gifted kids. We tried compass learning last year, and my kids thought is was deadly slow and dumbed down. That has generally been my experience with most products like that.