I fear that the gifted program actually make the regular classwork seem more boring since he now has something to compare it to, kwim?


YES. DD is having this problem-- and has in the past. When she gets a taste of what "real" appropriate instruction and pacing looks like? Yeah-- it just makes it all the more obvious how flat and awful the rest is. Like comparing filet mignon to Alpo. Right now, that's the difference between AP Lit (the real thing) and... well, almost everything else. DD can see how much more awesome US history, American Government, etc. COULD be with the same pacing and depth.

It can make it all the more painful to know how good it COULD be-- but isn't.

I do think that there is value in pushing the idea that sometimes we do things "just because" rather than for personal enjoyment/enrichment/benefit. But the percentage is a pretty tricky thing to get right. smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.