Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Ahhhhhhhhh... I'm seeing something here.

So the real issue is that maybe MOST of the kids in that gifted programming are kids like this who are bright but not gifted?

That explains so much, and it's entirely consistent with what I've observed locally as well. The labels (including the R-word) are about parental needs, the education is what all mainstream students could (and maybe should) benefit from, and it really only doesn't work for kids that are HG or PG. Mostly.

So this is about private school privilege without tuition. I see.

Originally Posted by Dude
I agree with this entirely, primarily because almost any gifted magnet or program in the US fails to meet the needs of the truly gifted, in my experience. These options appear to me to be optimized for the bright, well-adjusted, well-motivated, well-supported, not-quite-gifted child.

You both nailed my school district precisely.

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."