Here are some general internet conventions:

DS4 = Dear Son aged 4
DD11 = dear daughter - aged 11
DH = dear husband, or darn husband, as case may be. ((giggle))
DS = dear spouse
DW = dear wife
DX = dear x-husband, x-wife or x-spouse
DP might refer to a school priniciple,

HSing - homeschooling
PS could be private school (which actually prefer to be called Independent Schools these days) or Public School so it's really confusing to use these. Of course most of us are quite confused about if there is actually a differenc between them IRL (in real life) as well. Sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. Only sitting in the classroom and observing the goings on will tell for sure.

IEP - Individualised educational plan
GIEP - IEP for gifted kids - some states have them and some states don't.

And if you are a real newbie (new to the internet person), putting something in double quotes give you a chance to show an emotion, like a smiley.


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