"Balanced Push" or "Supported Push" - a phrase that acknowldeges that as wonderful as child led learning is, we grown ups owe it to them to have an independent perspective and actually 'push' at times to help them get over various confusions that get installed by spending lots of time in learning environments aimed way below their readiness level.

ODP and SDP are short for Outer-Directed Perfectionism and Self-Direct Perfectionism. Both rampant in the Gifted World, and often, but not always, caused by too much time in school settings below the child's readiness level.

Related, is "The Goldilocks Problem" when the readiness level shrinks to a skinny little level or seems to dissapear completely. Everything appears either 'too hard' or 'too easy' to afflicted child. Again gentle balanced pushes at the closest estimate of the child's readiness level and great patience will usually decrease this 'Goldilocks Problem.'

And yes, I did hatch DOK, and it was a lovely moment! Thanks for the acknowledgement!

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com