I would go with the suggestion offered for now, especially since it was one you asked for previously. It would be nice to move your son into more self management but i don't know if its the time to do it considering the escalation. I agree with your take - she either read it herself and figured it out herself or someone told her she was in violation or danger of it - so the good news is she is trying to fix it - its disappointing that she chose a face saving option as opposed to an option which could encourage your son but not problematic. Also, sounds like there might be more conversations like these in the future - particularly with this science teacher - so maybe accepting the option is the way to go now and reserve the right to challenge later? I think your gut is speaking here about the PITA mom, take it seriously, and decide whether this is worth insisting on - you won the important battle - she and by extension the science teacher read the IEP and knows now they behaved badly.

take with a grain of salt - but do listen to you gut - unless you are worried your gut is overreacting and going all momma bear and lifting a car off your child to mix my metaphors! then do step back so as to appear reasonable. But that line of reasonable vs PITA is tricky -and often used I think to try to get us to demand less than what they are obligated to do.
