Lucounu - it is an old iPhone 3GS without the SIM card, making it an iPod since it cannot receive or make calls.

Thanks for both of your quick replies - and confirming what my gut was telling me.

As of this morning, it seems the principal has decided that what she will provide is an educational assistant to ask my son about his homework (something I asked for last year and was denied) rather than open the door to his managing things himself with an electronic device. While it is not providing a means for him to become more independent and self-reliant in managing his memory issues, she is at least acknowledging that he requires support.

Me thinks someone advised her that she'd best offer an olive branch within the scope of the IEP or that she looked at the document and realized she was out of order.

It is not the accommodation that is ideal at this point, since he is coping most of the time, but now I really am in a corner of being branded as a prima donna mom who has to have it her way or accepting what they're offering.