Originally Posted by Isa
the link that OHGrandma promised ????

Oups, I forgot: Congratulations to DGS smile

OK, excuses...finishing tax stuff, had to file an extension anyway, meetings on top of meetings, switching everything from my desktop PC to my laptop, draining work weeks, & calving season. I think the calving season was the final straw. After slogging through 1-3 miles of mud & puddles every evening checking on expectant mother cows, my knees groan just thinking about climbing the stairs to the room where my scanner is.

In the mean time, I got several art books from the library last weekend and in the few minutes he was waiting for everyone else to get ready for church, he knocked out a really nice drawing of a hippopotamus.
There's also a poster contest & 2 photography contests in a couple of organizations where he is a member. One of the deadlines is May 1, so I've got a feeling I'm going to be busy with that, too. He'll be taking pictures of our farm & cattle for that contest. Of course calves are always popular subjects, but momma cows aren't happy having kids around their babies, so I have to be with him.