My DD was diagnosed with NLD (really it's an "NLD-ish" diagnosis according to the neuropsych) which included a diagnosis for dysgraphia. We are still waiting for an Assistive Technology eval but 2 days ago DD was finally provided a scribe for her classwork. At our IEP meeting the other day the OT and special ed teacher pressed the neuropsych on where to draw the line between pushing the handwriting and moving towards keyboarding. All 3 of them think that at age 7/second grade they need to continue to emphasize the handwriting. The neuropsych said introducing keyboarding now was more to start getting her ready so when it is developmentally appropriate to switch over she will have the skills for it. I told him that I believed the time to switch the emphasis has already come - I seriously doubt her handwriting will improve to the point that it will be effective for her and keyboarding will be the key to her future. I have no problem with them continuing to work on handwriting but not to the point that it takes away from developing these skills - there are only so many hours in a day and she already has so much on her plate. Any BTDT opinions here? At what age did your kids switch their focus to primarily keyboarding skills?