It is an awkward situation since I'm on the PTA board. One of the other PTA moms has already moved her DC from out of a different K class since the teacher was yelling at the children.

I did finally speak to the asst. principal and he listened to me and told me that that is not the position of the school and would have a discussion with her. He told me to continue on with what I am doing since my emphasis at home is on reading, math, science topics my son is interested in and developing logical and critical thinking skills in him.

Conference week is still three weeks out and I doubt we will have a chance to sit down and talk before then based on what I already mentioned in that she may have her hands full with a couple of children with emotional, physical or neurological issues. I told the asst. principal I can understand she must have her hands full but I want to ensure that DS is getting what he needs through differentiation, if needed. He was supposed to be discussing this with her. We'll see. We're on fall break this coming week and I had the conversation Friday with the asst. principal.

In our district, it is really difficult to have children tested before grade two for the gifted program when all children are given the Cogat. Kids have to get a 99% on Cogat prior to grade 2 for consideration for the gifted program. At grade 2 its 96%. The other part of the admittance process appears to be a subjective Gifted Evaluation Scale with rankings completed by teachers.

I've looked at k-12 and a private school. I'm just waiting until after I meet with her to determine my next course of action.