The simplest thing (if the school will let you do it) might be to change kindergarten teachers - you have good reasons to ask for a change. I'll echo CCN's advice to go about it very politely and tactfully though in order to not make the staff feel defensive - as CNN mentions, the principal will likely side with the teacher. We had to request a teacher change at the end of 2nd grade, and it was a bit intimidating to do because we were asking to move our ds out of a very well respected teacher's class. I put our request in writing and complemented the teacher and mentioned how much I respected her as a teacher, then pointed out that her classroom situation didn't work well for my ds (and mentioned specifically why it didn't work), even though she was amazing teacher.

We're also one of those school districts that someone else mentioned above that allows partial homeschooling - I had a friend who did this with her dd in kindergarten-1st grade. It was a great way to let her get the benefits of school she was interested in and still allow her to keep her challenged at home in math/reading. The only downside was that the school loses partial funding from the state by having that child's space in the school changed to half-time, so once she was in 2nd grade the school pushed her to choose either full-time school or full-time homeschool. But it's definitely an option that I'd consider if I was caught in a situation like you are at the moment.

Best wishes,
