Yes, I think MON's advice is great but I think it is beyond what I can deal with right now. I have to contact the new DSS and will definitely thank her for what she has done. It took a while but once she finally got it - realized that what I was saying was valid - she is the one who made this happen. I plan to take a *very* reserved approach with the school personnel. I do not want to be sucked into micromanaging the situation. I had my say, we developed a plan and now I have to let them implement it. I'm not sure who gave the advice over the summer to separate parenting my daughter from fighting to get what she needs in school. I am going to let them - with the help of our consultant and new DSS - handle the education part while I focus on being DD's mom. Maybe someone with more emotional maturity - or more distance from what went on earlier this year - could take the conciliatory approach suggested. I need to just keep my distance at this point.

As I told a friend who asked me to serve on a PTA committee "I am going to just lay low. I don't so much as plan to make a batch of cookies for a bake sale..."