Originally Posted by CCN
Marytheres: could your son's visual perceptual processing disorder be connected to his strabismus? Not sure which brain region(s) are at work here. We know about the potential "brain vision loss" that can result when a brain starts to disregard an untreated strabismus eye, but I wonder if it can cause visual processing delays as well. Interesting.

Yes I believe it is. I think Zen touched on this - I will quote her: "As I understand it, the brain is trained to not trust the integration of the eyes or one of the eyes at an early age due to strabismus, amblyopia, or a huge mismatch in acuity." and that is what leads to the processing problems. So hopefully th estasbisms gets foxed, we retrain the brain and he is fine, rigth? I'm not sure though.... I guess I will see what the doc says.

I feel better about it today. I was really bummed yesterday even though it's kind of good news - I was right and I am glad we are getting to the right problem - accurate lables and diagnosis...I was even prepared for something like this. I am prepared to hear he has a learnign disorder. But still bummed and sad for my child... you hate to see your child struggle and be mislabled, misunderstood, etc... Just hard. I had a c-section with him (b/c of the docs and b/c I just didn't know what I was doing) and as a result DS stopped breathing twice ... i think that is why he has these problems. I am not sure, of course, but I feel like I failed the poor kid to a certain extent. Did it right with DS2 (pushed him out natural screaming and cussing the whole time and he was never in NICU or away from me for a second and he is much different). And yes I know there are so many worse things... but, you know, all of this can still be such a bummer. I get jealous of hearing about all these kids who LOVE school and are doign so well frown I am starting to hate school time... frown But hopefully this year will be good. DS teacher is already being VERY accomodating, really receptive really wanting to help make DS' year a good one and we are getting an IEP and everything so maybe this year will really be a good one.