I'd like to echo Evermomma's comments. My dd is now 12yo, and just as much a standout academically as she was at 2yo. I remember freaking out when she started reading at 2yo - it was very hard to be patient then, but in hindsight, everything worked out okay. We put her in an arts focussed preschool (following the Emilio Reggio model) - it fostered creativity and social skills, and the academic mismatch was a non-issue. We have worked within a public school system for K-6, and now have a thriving, happy almost-teenager entering the 7th grade at the local middle school.

Waiting to test until he's a little older will not only give you more accurate results. If you wait until the nature of your educational challenges are clearer, you'll be in a better position to pick appropriate tests and you'll have current results. Both can be an advantage in advocating for your child.