Originally Posted by Kvmum
Recently my daughter changed schools, and is now attending a great school with lots of gifted kids. This is many ways is wonderful, but it also adds a different twist to advocacy because while these guys are genuinely knowledgeable about giftedness it does mean they think they've seen and dealt with it all so they take some convincing.
We see this. Unfortunately. There are scads more kids in the 130-135 range than kids in the 150-155 range. So it's an understandable error.

How old is your DD? There is a big difference between coasting in school at age 7 and at age 12. As a family, DH and I decided that we were ok with alternating years, one for social development, one for intellectual development - since we believe that both are important.

But I do know the heartache of seeing your child with eyes blazing one day, but not the rest of the days. Outside enrichment might be a good compromise - have a tutor come to the house afterschool to work with some intellectual content she just loves. It could be math, or meteorology. That is, you can choose a topic that is outside her normal academic curriculum.

Then there is music and sports. Lots of gifties have done well pouring their extra energy into learning an instrument or competing physically.

Think of the airplaine story - here's one version:

A perfect example is an airline flight. Did you know that a flight is "off course" over 90% of the time? Wind currents push the plane off its path and the pilot (or navigation system) makes subtle adjustments to keep it on course. Head or tail wins will push for or against the plane. The pilot can slow down or increase engine power to compensate and stay on schedule. If there is bad weather in the flight path, the pilot will adjust by flying over or around it. The key is that it is easier to figure out your options when you have a destination in mind.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6963133

So remember that your goal isn't to have everything perfect at every moment. It's more that overall, your child has a variety of good experiences.

Make sense?

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