So interesting the different responses and reasons behind them. Thank-you to everyone, definitely has given me a lot to think about. She seems fine so far from what she has seen. Has quite a few interesting words.... I think I will play it by ear, if the opportunity arises...judge by the mood of everyone involved, myself included. What is really clear from everyone's response is the atmosphere in which it is occurring. I think the first set of cats happened in a really okay way under the circumstances.. There was a lot of concern for the cats. They were held in arms till they fell asleep and put in boxes together after surgery till they came to with constant surveillance by two kids and the rest of the people involved.

LaTexican- My older DD was very coordinated and listened well. I would take her on her bike places most others would not. I also put her in the front seat of a two person kayak at age 5. She learned in a pool how to get out if the kayak flipped. We went out in the ocean and went camping along remote shores. It was awesome and beautiful and did not break my back...At four she could hike four miles up on her own. We would do overnights out in the wilderness. I came to appreciate Barbies. I tried to keep them out of our lives, but it became impossible. Well they float, you can tie them onto a kayak and have something to play with in the water with little drag. Also if you lose them they are pretty easy to replace..they also clean up really easy. At the time they had a hiking/camping Barbie... however her feet were still shaped for high heels....