My family is traveling in an isolated area. We are having some very unique experiences. DD14 was invited to help neuter a few cats. The vet was doing it as a service to the community. It is not at all a vet clinic. Make a long story short, DD3 almost 4 ended up in the room with us. She was fascinated, asking questions and did not want to leave. She stayed in the room for all 3 cats. If given the chance she would have been helping. There was quite a bit of blood, one cat was not completely under and needed some pinning down, the medication is uhm… So here is the question, would you let your almost four year old witness this? We have been invited to help with a spay which is much more complicated. I am worried that she knows things that her peers do not know and how parents will respond to what is probably going to come out in her play at some point. I also have no desire to stop her curiosity and this kind of opportunity is rare for most kids. What would you say to parents and or teachers about what may come out in her play or talk?