Awesome thread! I'be been out of town so missed this the first time around. My DS5 is s science nut and had already proclaimed he's going to be a scientist so long as I can come to work with him (be still my heart).

HowlerKarma, I adore your post. My ds wandered around the other day testing what sticks to magnets and was distraught that it wouldn't stick to the two-year old being as "everyone has iron in their blood". He was also fascinated by the Olympic opening ceremony where they symboloized pouring molten steel to make the ring. He suggested we get ourselves some of our own molten steel...I suggested molten candy into molds instead.

We use cooking/baking a lot for chemistry fun. Alton Brown, from Good Eats on the Food Network, makes the science of food/baking/cooking fun. Plus you can eat your experiments (if you dare).

My ds also loves science kits. My dh and ds made a "non-Newtonian" liquid this week from cornstarch and water, but it didn't give a clear explanation of how this works. Any chemistry nuts out there want to help me answer my ds' curiosity?