I bought online for my then 6 year old the Young Scientist Club kits. We had alot of fun with them. They were very well-done science experiments based on a theme which came in the mail each month. He just loved those. Then I bought a Chemistry set online, and we've done some of those.
I also bought the History of Science books by Joy Hakim and read some out loud nightly to him.
I"m a very math and science-y person, so I frequently just monologue about science concepts to him.
He just did a one-week Aeronautical Science and Engineering camp at our local university, which he really loved (he's 9 now). I also have bought a human body kit with plastic bones, etc. in it that he has played with.
I wish there was more but I haven't found alot. At least for next year, his school does daily science classes, which I know he will love. He tells people he wants to be a doctor.

Last edited by jack'smom; 07/21/12 05:34 AM.