FrogWatch, you say? Hmmm..... (must go look that up!)

Yeah, we LOVE What'sThatBug!

About binoculars--I get frustrated because so many small binocs are so hard to use and just plain bad, and it can turn kids off birding. I personally can't stand to use those little cheapies that people hand out to kids. Now, I seriously doubt you have these, HowlerKarma, but just so others know, there is a major difference between a $30 pair and a decent $75 pair. It's hard, I know, because you don't want to spend that before you know if your kid is into it, but if they are finding bincos frustrating, just know that going a step up will make a big difference. Also, most kids can't really use them till about 6. DD has these: and we really like them. As that review notes, these are great entry-level binoculars for ANYONE. I pick DD's up all the time and in fact I prefer them over my old, clunky pair.

Last edited by ultramarina; 07/22/12 06:16 PM.