Originally Posted by DMA
The characteristics you mentioned sound like my son, who is gifted/LD. The list you posted sounds like a list from Dyslexic Advantage for a child with Stealth Dyslexia. Many of the characteristics also show up on other Dyslexia sites.

I am going to echo the other posters - please get your son tested privately. We did private pyscho-educational testing in order to get an IEP, extended time on tests and the use of a computer for writing essays. This really helps with his writing, and an area that was a weakness is turning into a strength as ds gets older.

Some of the group testing instruments miss gifted/LD kids because they may think differently or don't work fast enough to finish. My school board did some research on a number of group tests and decided to keep administering the WISC-4 in order to identify the gifted kids, because of the high number of false negatives on the group tests.

I just looked up stealth dyslexia. That is interesting! I'll discuss that with the tester if we go ahead with private testing - which it seems we should. Thanks!